Garrison Animal Hospital

PO Box 160
Garrison, MN 56450


Radiology and Ultrasound


Radiographs, also called x-rays, are commonly used in veterinary medicine to help diagnose many different diseases.  We can use x-rays to evaluate many different internal organs.  X-rays are especially useful to look at bone disease.  Here at Garrison Animal Hospital we have a digital x-ray system which means that everything is computerized.  This system has many advantages which include faster and easier developing and better x-ray quality.  We are also able to burn x-rays onto CDs or email them which makes it much more efficient when we send them to a radiology specialist for consultation.


Ultrasound is very similar to x-rays in that we can use it to evaluate internal organs.  Ultrasound is typically better for looking at fluid accumulations, enlarged organs, bladders and tumors.  Ultrasound can also be used to look at the inside of the heart and to check pregnancy status.  We are able to perform most ultrasounds at our clinic.  If we think that your pet needs a more comprehensive ultrasound than we can perform we will recommend a specialist.